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Micro: The Originals. Episode 3: "Tangled Up In Blue"

Is this like one of Mystic Falls' parties?

We get front row seats as to how the Original siblings plot and scheme their way into getting what they want. I would admit, they're pretty effective that way. Ask and you shall receive. If you do not, then always have a Plan B—and make it diabolical in many more ways than one.

Hey, as his baby mama said: "Being diabolical has its perks!"

In this episode, we see an introduction to a vampire-witch relationship (really, this never works out in this universe, huh?) and its demise. Marcel has also lost a trusted friend—like a field commander losing a soldier. All this is because of Klaus's manipulative ways. Even Cami the human bartender isn't an exemption, even though he shows some kind of attraction to her. Klaus dear, Caroline's much feistier, ergo, better for you.

He has a thing for blonds, too. Hmmm.

I miss Elijah. Too much Klaus and Rebekah bickering scenes can turn boring fast. Plus, he'd probably be delighted to know he might be having a niece—unless those Latin (is it?) phrase means something more evil than what we already have.

*photos from thevampirediariescanada.com, tv.com, and digitaspy.uk

Sue Denim still has issues with online anonymity.

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