Chungking Express

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Okay, not really. I settled with Moulin Rouge about that (just so I can have one consistent answer to give social networking sites on what my favorite movie is). But maybe the whats, wheres, whens, and hows of watching this film lead to an apt, and therefore, perfect watching experience of Chungking Express.
So here it is: watch this before midnight, with the rain tapping outside your window, and your blanket is all cozily wrapped around you. Watching this film is like reading short stories that paint life in the city with such simplicity and poignancy.
Chungking Express is "divided" into two stories on two cops, both involving break-ups. The first one stars Takeshi Kaneshiro and Brigitte Lin. Kaneshiro is hung-up on his ex while Lin is solving a drug deal gone wrong. Their lives collide just for one night. And nothing pretty much happened. But with that, everything happened.
Because I know profound and all that.
Anyhow, Kaneshiro's obsession with pineapple cans is so charming. Heck, his moping around is as charming as well, making you wonder why someone could break up with a guy like him. I wanted to hug him and be the Brigitte Lin to his getting-over-the-ex. And I'm not saying this just because, Kaneshiro the actor is the definition of hot.
The second story has Tony Leung and Faye Wong. Leung's stewardess girlfriend broke up with him through a letter he never would read (she also returned Leung's apartment key). Wong was the one who received the letter, working at the store where Leung frequents. Wong, who's been secretly watching and falling for Leung, reads the letter, concludes that Leung's depressed and decides to secretly clean up his apartment using the keys with the letter.
Faye Wong as the eccentric girl played eccentricity just enough─not to the point that it was annoying and too typically artsy-fartsy. Leung played cool cop just right too. Cool, but not too much, to the point he'd be starring in an action flick instead of a simple story on dealing with break-ups.
And oh, the imagery and camera shots on both stories were fantastic too. There's emphasis on time in the city being too fast and sometimes, people just find refuge in brief moments.
The film talks about heartaches, hopes, urban alienation, and all that jazz without being too... loud. The metaphors weren't obscure, but they weren't rubbing it in my face too. Personally, I liked the first story over the second one because I find it more quiet, and more strong too. The second story, relative to the first, is an apparent love story. The first story, not so.
And if I'm beginning to sound too confusing. It's because I don't want to post too much spoilers. See? That goes to show how much I love this film.
And a 10/10 rating would probably be better proof.
This film is so good, it has become required viewing in film schools. At least in this country.
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