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Black Swan (Updated Intro)

It will be a treat if any of you re-watch this movie as I did some few weeks before this update 2013 April 17. The black and white motifs are quite extensively exploited throughout the course of the movie and especially during the metamorphosis. Even "greys" were used and juxtaposed with the B&Ws --all found in the overall sets and design, intertwined with the plot. Kudos to the deliberateness, of symbols/symbolisms, and whathaveyou.

The following is the original blog post, some 2 years ago. With a couple of missing picture links.

Although I have completely forgotten Black Swan to be an Aronofsky, didn't exactly prevent me from much hype that had trickled down to my father; I am sure in the end he was more confused than the Swan Queen herself. So he watched; and I, I just watched along, mind you, huh?

As far as I know, Aronofsky is a neurotisist, delving on paranoia and an intense sense of awareness of self (circa Pi). With Swan Lake, I mean Black Swan, I caught up with his humor. I mean, whoever took losing one's self seriously is a crack joker.


Gen. Angie Reyes figured the wise thing to do: Wack

"Everyone is gay"

Losing IT with Autumn Reeser in Big Bang (2011)

Eminem in his video "Not Afraid"

Someone I know during a DXM trip

Someone I know during a S. Divinorium trip

Imagine there are cheaper ways to lose the insecure ego. Like reading a book, or actual practice (to like relationships), and less on the morbid kind which this film or Angie Reyes may suggest. Surely there has to be some courage or faith to even attempt the impossible, but we don't want to discuss it here now like we do with delusions.

Black Swan has the makings of a complete ballet movie:
  • kleptomania
  • literal nailbiting
  • hints to bulimia/anorexia
  • girl-to-girl "encounter?"
  • the usual heterosexual, "aged" encounters or OK, action
  • the prima donna
  • the primo dicko to temper the donna?

No offense to Vincent Cassel, as he is whom Van Damme actually aspires to be─trimmed of many macho insecurities and laced with right amounts of femininity, designed to lure in the feline (or what you call pussy). To be less precise, he may actually represent the true metrosexual (although please don't call him that), able to do capoeira or whatever hard yoga pose that Dicks use to shape and strengthen their arms for some more abusive action later, after lifting ballerinas as a front, onstage.

Whether he went out or in-and-out with Donna or Dickolito is not ours to conclude, brothers and sisters, and should not hinder us from seeing what goes on inside the ballet act: the audience. Without the avid support of such sick audience, ballet is nothing but the fetish fashion-tradition of binding and abusing feet, like that of wearing high heels; in such a way that the feet, or toes, are arranged and the bearer remains upright, or at least appear to remain upright, or uptight, whatever.

If only ladies would admit this to be an actual weapon ─Drag McQueen
The road to being a prima donna is hard and arduous. You yourself can actually become a queen, which should not limit your capacity for control in and around the stage alone. The world is yours for the taking! And don't be confused with your gender either. The title serves no particular gender. It is unbiased in terms of its demands and importance.

I mean, Queens erect monuments too, right?

Okay, that was just a ley line point marker. Truth of the matter is, we all somehow grew into prima donnas since childhood. So that when we see our other self, we immediately label it as evil, preventing further probe. I say we bring the ballerina back, dress it into a male, and make it kiss Sting while singing "Fragile".

For more ballet watch The Simpsons' "Smoke on the Daughter", "Homer vs. Patty and Selma", and notch up the seriousness with Blades of Glory.

American Jolog term, nth number: "ballet toes that grew face".

Rating: 8.5 ─ contributing to creativity

Additional literature: The Occult Interpretation of the Movie "Black Swan"...

Postscript: There's no ballet in the afterlife.

If you liked this review, you may also want to read Sting Lacson's review of Black Swan.


Nice, nice. iLike. Hehe.

Onga. Astig! Nice...

"ballet is nothing but the fetish fashion-tradition of binding and abusing feet, like that of wearing high heels; in such a way that the feet, or toes, are arranged and the bearer remains upright, or at least appear to remain upright, or uptight, whatever. ".....Hahaha! Classic!

Anonymous said...

IKR! haha. Muses yan ng blak swan

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