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Review: Pacific Rim


Despite Pacific Rim not being shot in IMAX or 3D, my biggest regret is not watching this in IMAX 3D.

"Why didn't you?"

This film is big, in every sense of the word. It's got big monsters, giant robots, and epic fight scenes that make the WWF look like children playing. To see this movie anywhere else except the big screen would be a waste of time.

Here are three reasons why Pacific Rim is one of the best movies of the year so far:

Some of you might counter by saying, "It's not original! It's based on the Japanese mechas that 80s kids grew up with!"

Except the Japanese mechas didn't need helicopters.

Actually, director Guillermo Del Toro doesn't deny the Japanese influences. What I mean by "original" is that it's not adapted from any existing source material; it's an original story by Travis Beacham, who is also Del Toro's co-writer for the screenplay.

Beacham and Del Toro are Jaeger co-pilots.

East meets West
"Kaiju" is Japanese. "Jaeger" is German. We've got Asians (Rinko Kikuchi and the Chinese triplets), blacks (Idris Elba), and whites (everyone else). The action is set in Hong Kong, while the music is scored by Ramin Djawadi of Game of Thrones.

"We are NOT having East-meets-West sex, all right?"

First-class CGI
We now live in a time when anything you can ever conceive in your imagination can be brought to life through CGI. The special effects here are flawless, and if the live-action Voltron movie suddenly gets the green light for production, we have Del Toro to thank.

"You're welcome." -Guillermo Del Toro

Finally, here is my own Jaeger, from the film's offical site:

Try it. It's addictive.

Pacific Rim. USA. 2013.

Original rating: 8.0 / 10
Ron Perlman: + 0.1
Mentioning Manila three times: + 0.01 per mention = + 0.03
Rinko Kikuchi's hair: + 0.1
Cute kid who played the young Mako: + 0.1
Charlie Day's comic relief: + 0.1
Epic battles: + 0.02
Final rating: 8.45

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Dan O. said...

The characters and script kind of blow, but the action is always there to save the day. Nice review Sting.

Thanks, Dan! Saw it again on IMAX 3D. The jaegers and the kaijus are the real stars of this film.

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