Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Episode 9: Cloak of Darkness

"Ignore your instincts at your own peril."
Whoever said that female Jedi are not cool? Well, they are. What a great lightsaber duel between two females, Master Luminara Unduli and Dooku's apprentice Assaj Ventress. And Ahsoka shows us that she really is Skywalker's Padawan.
*some info from Wikipedia
pic from
I love Asajj Ventress. Love, love, love, love her. Plus she's voiced by Grey deLisle who i also love, love, love, love. :P
I was wondering about that cosplay'll shave your head to play Asajj Ventress?? Haha.
That's the problem. I don't want to shave my hair haha. When I figure out how to do the bald cap, I will cosplay Asajj. hahaha XD
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