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Heads Up Battle. Frozen's "Let It Go": Who Sang It Better? Idina Menzel v. Demi Lovato

Hit Zone Online

"Let It Go", that catchy tune by composer couple Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, is my new earworm. My last earworm was "Blurred Lines", and who would've thought the next one would be a Disney song?

A Disney song way beyond my vocal range.

Like previous Disney carrier singles, there's a movie version and a radio version. In Beauty and the Beast, I liked the radio version better, because the movie version was sung by Mrs. Potts, which sounded quite old and grandmother-ly. In The Lion King, I liked the movie version of "Circle of Life" better, because it sounded more African than Elton John's.

Now we move on to Frozen's carrier single, "Let It Go". The movie version was sung by Idina Menzel, while the radio version was sung by Demi Lovato. Now the question is: who sang it better?

"Let It Go" by Idina Menzel

What makes this video interesting is that this is the actual music sequence from the film. So there's the awesome animation, for starters. Then there's the bridge, noticeably absent from the Demi Lovato version. Oh, and there's Elsa's excellent hair sequence.

I honestly don't mind her hair phasing through her arm.

"Let It Go" by Demi Lovato

Whereas Menzel's version is more Broadway, Lovato's is more pop. Also, Lovato is quite hot. Downside is the absence of the bridge, and her delivery of the lines "the cold never bothered me anyway". I mean, if the cold never bothered you, why'd you have to shout it? Menzel had the correct delivery – cool and nonchalant, like it doesn't really bother her at all.


"Let It Go" (Song)
Music: 4.0
Lyric: 4.0
Song rating: 8.0 / 10

Idina Menzel
More Broadway than pop: + 0.1
Song's bridge: + 0.1
The alliteration "frozen fractals": + 0.1
Actual sequence from the movie: + 0.1
Hair flip: + 0.2
Wardrobe change: + 0.1
Hip sway: + 0.2
High notes: + 0.1
Final rating: 9.0 / 10

Demi Lovato
More pop than Broadway: + 0.05
Different bridge: - 0.05
Demi Lovato's hotness: + 0.2
Omitting the lines "Let the storm rage on": - 0.05
Less sexiness than Queen Elsa: - 0.05
Final rating: 8.10 / 10

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Teluete said...

I tried to listen to Demi's version, but I didn't get past the the first chorus. Idina 5ever!

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