Now That I Have You

In fact, try checking out the IMDb entry for this film, and you'll see that the one who wrote the review was American. And he loved this film. Because it didn't focus on poverty. So I guess he probably hated Slumdog Millionaire.
I, on the other hand, liked the film. Not loved. Just liked. Because of the love team.
Philippine cinema is good at two things: horror flicks, and romance films. I don't like the horror films that much (yet), but the romance films are something else. Technically, they are romantic comedies, but the romance just overpowers the comedy. And the romantic angle just isn't that strong in the Hollywood rom-coms. Only in the Philippines.
I just wish the major studios would stop focusing only on the bankable love teams. They put too much premium on John Lloyd and Bea that they overlook the fact that there might be other actors who could pull off a great rom-com. Well, now they have John Lloyd and Sarah Geronimo, but that's still John Lloyd. They should give other actors a shot. It might work. If it doesn't, then I've proven myself wrong, and they can go do all the films they want until John Lloyd's hair turns gray.
*some info from IMDb
pic from
Now That I Have You. Philippines. 2004.
Rating: Seven out of ten.
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