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Parks and Recreation. Season 1


How would one describe Parks and Recreation? Six words: Like The Office, but in government. You might say that sounds similar to HBO’s Veep, but Parks and Recreation came way before that. And yes, that means this series is a mockumentary.

Nothing is more mocking than looking
at the camera with a smile like that.

Like British comedies (where this show takes its ancestry from), the first season of Parks and Recreation is comprised of a mere six episodes. That’s quite a bit less than the average American television viewer is used to for a season, but with shows like this, it’s quality – not quantity – that counts. And to describe the comedy of this show in one word: excellent.

"Excellent? Huh?"

Those who have a very basic understanding of who Amy Poehler is will think that she’s that comedienne who always works in tandem with Tina Fey. Not true. Yes, when both of them perform a sketch, they make so much chemistry that you could manufacture crystal meth off it. But if you’ve never seen Amy Poehler perform comedy on her own, then be prepared to split your sides laughing. Poehler is a leader, like a field general in battle, and she can bring out the best in her co-stars just by being in the same scene with them.

"Wow! I didn't know I could do that!" 

Other great comics in the cast include Aziz Ansari as Tom Haverford, Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson, and Chris Pratt as the injured Andy. By the way, Mike Scully is a consulting producer on this show. That’s right. Former showrunner of The Simpsons Mike Scully, that’s who.

"Wait, you didn't mention me!"

Parks and Recreation (Season 1). USA. 2009.

Original rating: 7.8 / 10
Rashida Jones's hotness: + 0.1
Aubrey Plaza's cuteness and slight insanity: + 0.05
Paul Schneider, a.k.a. that guy who played Brian Brenner in The Newsroom: + 0.05
Final rating: 8.0 / 10

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