Da Couch Tomato

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Rose Byrne looking a little worried as Nicholas Cage points out their sex scene in the script.

Nicholas Cage is not one of my favorite actors. But he's starting to grow on me.

Knowing is one of your typical horror flicks. Or is it suspense flick? Whatever. It's supposed to scare you sleepless. Supposed to.

The thing with this story is that it could not have been conceived twenty years ago. Why? Because there was no GPS back then. And the plot relies heavily on GPS coordinates to make the story work.

And of course, the best deus ex machina of all–aliens. All supernatural powers in this film come from aliens. How...creative.

However, I liked the film. Slightly. Because it didn't have your average ending. Everyone died. And the special kids were brought to another planet to fornicate and respawn the human race.

I just wish they'd bring me to that other planet to fornicate with Rose Byrne.

*some info from IMDb
pic from aceshowbiz.com

Knowing. USA. 2009.

Rating: Six stars.


Anonymous said...

made in mah home town - melbourne. tho with so much cgi scenery you could barely tell.

14% on RT. say no more....

Oh yes. I didn't mention the CGI scenery anymore, as it should be pretty obvious. Haha.

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