The Love Guru

Mike Myers: I get the feeling Mike Myers is not really good with accents. Yes, he can do some, like British and Scottish, but in this film, he is supposed to sound like an American with a slight tinge of Indian. But still, his Scottish accent keeps coming out. Which annoys the hell out of me. I mean, after Slumdog Millionaire, I've been very particular about Indian accents.
And speaking of accents...
Justin Timberlake: cannot do a proper French accent. He is supposed to play the French-Canadian Jacques "Le Coq" Grande (pun intended, his cock is indeed grand), and although he looks different with a moustache on, his accent, or whatever he has going on there, is just so damn distracting.
Sir Ben Kingsley: I honestly don't know how the producers were able to convince the great Ben Kingsley to make a fool of himself in this movie. But Sir Ben is such a good sport that I think this is just another day at the office for him, no matter how much the movie sucked. Oh, and Sir Ben's Indian accent is excellent. He did after all win an Oscar playing Gandhi.
And finally, the film's saving grace...
Ms. Jessica Alba: Just having Jessica Alba in this movie is enough to earn it a passing score. I love Jessica Alba so much. I want to sweep her off her feet. I want her to leave her husband for me. I want to wake up in the mornings and see Jessica Alba's face sleeping beside me. I want to---okay, you get my point.
Again, let me just make it clear that I watched this film because of Jessica Alba. The fact that it was a Mike Myers flick was only secondary.
*some info from IMDb
pic from
The Love Guru. USA. 2008.
Rating: Six out of ten.
what accent does jessica alba have? i have not had the pleasure of seeing tlg but know it just won worst film razzie. and if you get ms alba can i have brandon flowers please? my birthday is coming up you know....
haha. jessica alba sounds all-american here.
okay, tell me when exactly your birthday is and i'll give you a special birthday post.
marvy! that would be 25th april. when's yours???
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